Why Professional Urine Removal From Rugs Is So Important..
Urine is probably the most common cause of dye bleed in rugs. As soon as it leaves the body a process begins whereby urine moves on the pH scale from acid to alkaline. If it is left to alkalinise on your rug it can quickly neutralise and break down the acid mordant bond which stabilises the dyes. There are four detrimental consequences to this:
- The dyes can bleed
- A permanent stain will be left behind
- An ammonia odour will remain
- The fibres will degrade over time.
We Guarantee Our Urine Removal Service Will Leave Your Rugs Smelling Beautifully Clean & Fresh
Why Our Urine Removal Treatment Is So Effective & Thorough..
We soak urine contaminated rugs in a specially formulated decontamination bath which neutralises urine, specifically uric acid, and eliminates the odour causing bacteria. We use a pump system to flush the formula effectively through the rug and out of it, as many times as is necessary. Once all urine deposits are expelled we rinse the rug with softened cold water.